Inequality as a cross-cutting issue is so extensive and important that projects are often required to be able to pursue individual aspects more extensively. Whether at the university or in the theater – projects can create important synergies.
The Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) is a representative repeated survey that has been running since 1984. Every year, on behalf of DIW Berlin, people from households throughout Germany are interviewed by the survey institute. The data provide information on questions about income, employment, education,...
Realtime Inequality - Who Benefits from Income and Wealth Growth in the United States?
Realtime Inequality provides the first timely statistics on how economic growth is distributed across groups. When new growth numbers come out each quarter, the economists from Berekely show how each income and...
The goal of is to help citizens understand and participate in the tax debate. We see it as an essential companion to our 2019 book The Triumph of Injustice. On, you can visualize how much each income group pays in taxes when we include all taxes (income taxes, cor...
A new financial policy for democracy, dignity, and widespread prosperity. Dezernat Zukunft is a non-partisan policy institute that aims to explain and re-think monetary, fiscal, and economic policy in an accessible and coherent way.
Our articles and proposals are aimed at political decision-makers...
The World's Billionaires is a ranking of the world's richest billionaires by net worth, which is compiled and published annually in March by the American business magazine Forbes. The list was first published in March 1987. The total net worth of each person on the list is estimated and expressed in...
The gap between rich and poor, the worldwide rise of populists, the distribution of burdens in the fight against climate change, unfairly distributed educational opportunities - current debates are always about inequality. The connections are complex, but there is still a lack of scientifically soun...