
Findings from research are essential for a well-founded discussion on inequality. If you are interested in looking at numbers and facts in studies, reports or databases and getting your own picture, or if you are looking for data to get to the bottom of your own questions, here you will find what you are looking for.

Since 1984 | German Institute for Economic Research (DIW)

The Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) is a representative repeated survey that has been running since 1984. Every year, on behalf of DIW Berlin, people from households throughout Germany are interviewed by the survey institute. The data provide information on questions about income, employment, education,...

2022 | Thomas Blanchet, Emmanuel Saez & Gabriel Zucman

Realtime Inequality - Who Benefits from Income and Wealth Growth in the United States?

Realtime Inequality provides the first timely statistics on how economic growth is distributed across groups. When new growth numbers come out each quarter, the economists from Berekely show how each income and...

Since 2018 | Cluster of Excellence | Universität Konstanz

The gap between rich and poor, the worldwide rise of populists, the distribution of burdens in the fight against climate change, unfairly distributed educational opportunities - current debates are always about inequality. The connections are complex, but there is still a lack of scientifically soun...


Intergenerational wealth transmission and homeownership in Europe–a comparative perspective


The literature on social and wealth inequality has long acknowledged the importance of intergenerational wealth transmission (IWT) to inequality in homeownership tenure. However, it has paid insu...

To benchmark and monitor economic inequality across countries, the OECD relies on two dedicated statistical databases: the OECD Income Distribution Database (IDD), which offers data on levels and trends in income inequality and poverty, and the OECD Wealth Distribution Database (WDD), which collects...

Since 2020 | University of Duisburg-Essen

The PhD program „Political Economy of Inequality” investigates extent, causes, and consequences of rising socio-economic inequality. While economic aspects of inequality are a key focus of the research, they are always contextualized with non-economic dimensions of inequality. Political, social, and...